Creating relations between two models - Active Records
This post will show you how you can create relations between two tables / models / Active Records.
For example, I have a resources table and a categories table and I would like to make sure that when adding another resource I can choose / select a category.
Vice versa, I would like to be able to get the resources that belong to a category.
We'll assume all the tables we need exist with the proper field names.
For my application:
A portal has many categories
A category has many resources
A tag has many resources
I will be creating some relations here, but you should get the idea.
Open resource.rb (the model which will have categories) and add
belongs_to :category
Open category.rb, and put
has_many :resources
We just told Rails that a resource belongs to a single category and that a category can have many resources.
So what do these declarations do? After putting these declarations, we can use:
Assuming we have @category containing a category object, the following will get all resources that belong to that category
In resource_controller.rb, we can now change our edit and new functions and add the following so we can have a collection available when we are adding or editing resources.
@categories = Category.find_all
Then in our edit.rhtml and new.rhtml we can put something like: