Sunday, January 29, 2006

Template is missing - Ruby on Rails

When using scaffolding, if you override a default function such as list, you'll get the message that says something like:

Template is missing

To correct this create the appropriate list.rhtml file in correspoding views directory.


At 4:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

What if you get an error that indicates that your controller template is missing:

Template is missing

Missing layout script/../config/../app/views/layouts/widgets.rhtml

Then how do you correct it?

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

so you create a "widgets.rhtml"

At 9:09 AM, Blogger railsmama said...

Template is missing
Missing template ./script/../config/../app/views/audits/update.rhtml

In my model, when I attempt to use
validates_presence_of, my error message tells me that the UPDATE template is missing. Adding "wupdate.rhtml" does not correct the problem since what I want is the update code in my controller to fire. When I comment out the validates_presence_of code in my model, all works fine.


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