Rails Tutorials
Here are a few beginner tutorial about Ruby on Rails:
- has_many :through tutorial by byrnejb: "What I want to do is have three tables: movies, dancers and their join table that I called dancer_movies. The main goal of this exercise is to be able to add dancers directly via a drop down that lists all dancers from the database (and the number of dances they appeared in in that movie) when creating a new movie entry."
- Rails 2.1 Tutorial by Tutorials Point.
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial on Rails Wiki to get a basic Rails application running.
- Tutorial on using the Ruby MySQL Module by Paul Dubois.
- Hpricot interface to using Libxml. Hpricot is a user friendly XML parser for Ruby but Libxml is blazing fast. This tutorial shows how you can implement a hpricot like interface to using libxml.
- Parsing XML with Ruby: This tutorial by John Nunemaker shows how you can parse XML using Hpricot, libxml and REXML. Example parsing of Twitter and Del.icio.us feeds is shows.
- REXML tutorial for parsing XML
- Parsing XML using Ruby: A tutorial by Yahoo
Labels: delicious, hpricot, libxml, rails, rexml, ruby, tutorial, twitter, xml