Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Rails Optimization

Today I came across a good article about Ruby on Rails optimization on Text Drive by Julik. She talks about the various steps you can take to optimize your Rails application. While you really should read the article, in a nutshell, she talks about the following:

1. Minimize the amount of FCGI listeners
2. Use caching
3. NEVER run “development” on FastCGI for more than 1-2 hours
4. Observe your memory consumption
5. Rotate your logs
6. Write and run unit tests
7. Check for memory leaks when you are developing
8. Be careful with iterations
9. Watch the Rails TRAC for bug reports
10. Be vigilant when restarting your server

I will add more Rails related optimization resources in the future and post them to my Ruby on Rails favorites so check back soon.

Lite Speed web server: I haven't checked Lite speed web server yet, but plan to do so very soon.



At 10:06 PM, Blogger Selfless said...

The response to the Fortnite outbreak from mainstream pundits was unsatisfactory. Lisa Damour, a frequent contributor to the New York Times, fortnite items advised parents to chill (link is outside): after all, Damour composed, videogames "nurture the spatial skills needed in advanced math and technology." Damour and other pundits have shown little awareness of studies demonstrating that playing video games too undermines school performance (link is external), raises distractibility (link is outside), and erodes the parent-child relationship (link is outside). And, playing with video games where the aim is to kill people - games like Fortnite - over time, desensitizes gamers to violence (link is external). The American Academy of Pediatrics has concluded (connection is outside) that games "in which killing many others is the central motif" -- a good summary of Fortnite -- "are not appropriate for children." Incidentally, "children" here means "people under 18 years of age." In their newest guidelines, the Academy informed (connection is external) that "Video games shouldn't use human or other living targets or award points for killing" and fortnite buy weapons parents must not allow their kids to play games that violate this principle. If you haven't seen it, then Fortnite is a sport in which the object of the game is to kill other people.


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